What is the Goldilocks zone?
It is our home in the solar system. A narrow band in space where it’s neither too hot or too cold for life to form.
Named after the child's story "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" this habitable zone is the only place inte the solar system optimal for life. Water, the building block for life, forms easily and the temperature is just right for a breathable atmosphere to form.
A perfect location
What makes Earth so special is our location in the solar system. We sit right inside the Goldilocks zone.
The zone is the only place suitable for life. At least in our solar system. However, new planets are discovered every year. But very few of these worlds meet the requirements to harbor life. Life needs a Goldilocks zone.

The solar system is projected on a table surface, displaying the four inner planets and the Goldilocks zone.

Moveable Earth
Earth is represented by a moveable, haptic object that the user can pull to other regions: closer to or further away from the Sun.

Background display
On a background display, a landscape changes correspondingly simulating what would happen to Earth and its atmosphere.
When moving Earth, the current prototype is limited to three fixed positions as well as three fixed corresponding scenarios. If further developed, the concept can be expanded to utilize stepless maneuvering. The user would then be able to move Earth to any position on the tabletop as more gradual transitions are displayed on the landscape screen.
Another possible expansion could include making all the planets haptic, as this would illustrate the planet's orbits in a spectacular way.
The combination of digital and tangible objects is an appealing concept. Especially if focused on learning. Teachers can demonstrate science in a graspable way and school kids are allowed to physically interact with the installation.